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Patriotic dominos made in NX Animation Package

Using a variety of operations, a model of dominos has been created and the actual falling of the dominos has been simulated using the animation designer package in NX. The key technique used to create the animation is the “contact” command. The dominos fall one by one and then they bounce back a bit. Revolutes are used to create the pivot points, and the entire animation is set off by a one-speed motor.

 Dominos falling is a metaphor for life, politics, mechanics, and what goes on between cross-functional groups.  In the same way that historians argue that our presidential politics are driven by the backlash effect of previous administrations, each domino is actuated by the last. The contact between dominos sets off the inevitable chain reaction. When using NX however, you will see that since the animation package does not adequately take into account things like the coefficient of restitution, gravitation, and air resistance you may only have a base approximation of what would happen. Should you want to go much further, you must use the full-on kinematics package. Thanks for watching.  

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