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Basic and Intermediate Solid Edge ST5 Modeling, Drafting and Assemblies has been written by engineers for engineers. Based on many years of teaching folks all over the globe how to make more effective use of their CAD tools, we have placed the overwhelming emphasis in this book on exercises. This book teaches users how to be fluent with the tool. In the same way a good saxophone player must learn by playing a variety of songs in various genres, the exercises in this Solid Edge book expose learners to various combinations of commands that form powerful techniques. Our aim in writing this book is to use every trick we have learned throughout the years to help our readers learn as much as they can in the shortest amount of time.

Basic And Intermediate Solid Edge ST5

  • Stephen Samuel PE, Founder and President of DV, has over 22 years of experience in developing and using high-end CAD tools and mentoring its users. During a ten-year career at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, he implemented advanced CAD/CAM technology in a design and manufacturing environment. He has trained thousands of engineers in Unigraphics, written self-paced courses in UG Advanced Modeling and Best Practices, and performed design work for numerous Fortune 500 companies

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