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Design Visionaries: CAD Training Survey

At Design Visionaries, we take pride in our excellent training programs and knowledgeable instructors. We want to ensure that every student receives a high-quality training experience that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. That's why we would love to hear your thoughts on the CAD training you received from us. Your evaluation is important to us and will help us continue to improve and provide exceptional services.

How satisfied were you with the event?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent

Please select "yes" or "no" for the following to best reflect your experience.

All results collected are for the sole purpose of maintaining a standard of excellence in our services. Some answers may be used for marketing purposes but will remain anonymous unless otherwise specified. 

The instructor was knowledgeable of the material.
The instructor was attentive to other students' questions and comments.
The course was upbeat and positive.
The course contained relevant, informative material.
I was able to follow along with the pacing of the course.
The material covered was applicable to me and my current project(s).
After leaving the session, I feel better equipped to tackle the task at hand.
I felt appropriately challenged through this course.
I would take another Design Visionaries course.
I would recommend this course to my colleagues.

Share any suggestions or ideas for improvement, or any general thoughts you have about our training and/or your instructor. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us.

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! We’ll take it into account as we always strive to improve.

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